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Testimonials From Prison

Student testimonials remind us of lives being transformed by the Word of God.  


“It’s been the best relationship in my life. I can’t tell you how great it is to know that I am loved so much that my Father gave His only Son to take the punishment for my sins. I ache to know more about my Lord and Savior. How awesome is it to know that we believers are going to go to Heaven to spend Eternal Life! My outlook has drastically changed. We must strive to help others, to love others, and spread the gospel. Even though I am here in prison, it does not even put a dent in my trust and faith in God. This is nothing to what Christ has in store for me.” DAVID


“I love the lesson that I’ve received from WPM. It has helped me a lot to learn and understand the gospel. I have been a born again Christian since I was 15 and now I’m 51. I have been in and out of prison and have never really understood everything. But this lesson has helped a lot. I love the way it breaks everything down and helps me understand the Word. I have a wife at home and would love it if she could get these same lessons. She is a new believer and I think that doing a lesson like this would help her come to know God more.” JOSE


“Praise the Lord! First of all I want to say thank you for the Bible courses. I have been blessed by the courses you offer. While incarcerated I could always depend upon WRITE-WAY courses to help deepen my relationship with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Through the darkest hours, days, and months of my life, WPM has provided light through Jesus Christ to many.

“Recently I was released from prison and have been in the free world almost three months. I have an honest job and am working towards all the goals that I set while locked up. I would love to continue taking the Bible courses. Thanks for all your encouragement.” CHARLES


“As with every course I work, I grow closer to God. I always find a new truth or fresh perspective showing the truth clearly. This course and the comments returned by you all have been so greatly appreciated- assistance to a better understanding of God and His Word and my place in the equation. Your kind words of encouragement and direction have been instrumental in this entire wonderful learning experience.” TED


"I just became a Christian on 01/16/11 and this lesson came on 01/18/11. I was a Muslim before then; I came back to the true way. I have accepted Jesus as my person- al Lord and Savior.” ALBERT


“I have been locked up numerous times in my past, but have never sought to discover God and His Son, Jesus Christ. This could be one of the reasons that I keep coming back. I’m getting too old for this (I’m 47 years old) and am tired of starting over constantly. I’ve tried many other ways but still end up in the same place. Maybe the Lord’s way is my way! I heard from a fellow inmate that you offer a superb Bible study course that might enlighten me. Please enroll me.” JUAN


“I would like to say I have graduated two Bible schools, been in another one for four years, and have 20 -30 Bible certificates. But this study here hit home (Doing Time With Jesus). It was very insightful. I enjoyed it very much and, out of all I’ve done this far, it is the top in my six years of studying. Thank you. I love you all.” JOSEPH


“I am writing to thank you for having a product availa- ble to me that has all but singlehandedly changed my life. I have learned so much through the Emmaus courses about my own purpose in life, that I have stepped out of my comfort zone of defiance. Against the wishes of my attorney, and facing a trial that we would clearly win, I have confessed to my crime and will face the consequences. I simply could not go into a court that God created, swear on His name, and lie, even if it meant freedom. I believe the call to repentance came straight through Write-Way. My life has truly been irreversibly changed.” RON


“Thank you for sending your newsletter. Wow, that’s a lot of inmates studying the Word of God! The impact of this will go well beyond these men to others in the prison and to their families. I am confident God’s Word is accomplishing exactly what He is sending it forth to do, and it will come back to Him bearing much fruit. What an exciting honor to be involved in that work! May you and all the volunteers at WPM have a joyous Christmas as we celebrate the Savior who came to destroy the works of the devil and bring us into His Kingdom!” Local Jail Pastor


Write-Way Prison Ministries, Inc.
PO Box 461582
Garland, TX 75046


Phone: 972-840-9798
Fax:      972-864-9692