The numbers presented in this edition of “Blessings from Prison” are challenging. The harvest indeed is plentiful, yet the workers are few.
Yet, the Lord has chosen to bless this work. Read some of the results of this harvest field in this month’s newsletter.
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If you are a believer, think back to what your life was like before you met Christ and how it is now that He has become your Savior and the Lord of your life.
In this newsletter you will meet three inmates who are rejoicing in the new life they have found in Jesus Christ. You will also meet one who is searching – and then pray with us that he will find the One who can give him the answers he is searching for.
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As we progress into this new year, our mission is still the same – to introduce Jesus Christ to each incarcerated person in Texas and Louisiana through a curriculum of English and Spanish Bible correspondence courses that are free, postpaid, and volunteer-graded.
As you read this month’s newsletter, ask the Lord how He can use you in this mission.
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It is imperative that our students understand the wonderful truths of our Lord’s Passion. And that is the Lord’s prerogative, isn’t it? But we aid in distributing solid courses; our counselors aid in giving appropriate Scriptures and expressing compassion; and others aid in providing funds; and we all make petition to the Lord for fruitfulness. We are in the ministry of opening understanding!
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More great testimonies like the following remind us that God is actively calling and refining our students through the power of His Holy Word and Spirit.
"I am still a work in progress... these Bible studies are the first steps and not the last."
Successful spiritual stories are the product of the Holy Spirit working through many hands (see I Cor. 3:4-9) Such is the story below, where former WPM Board member, Chaplain Al Gibbons (now deceased), labored often at the Coffield Unit over several decades and distributed Emmaus courses. His coworker, Chaplain Frank Oakerson, continues weekly walks through the prison, counseling and com- pelling men to come to Christ. Every month he sends us dozens of enrollments. Now Gateway Church has blessed the progression with baptisms at an inside-prison Church.
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The majority of our courses have a “What Do You Say?” question at the end of each lesson. The student’s response helps us know how to counsel and what Scripture would benefit them. Here is a response to, “What evidence do you see of sin in the world?”
Locks, Vaults, Passwords, Internet Security. Laws, Courts, Judges, Police Officers;
Jails, Prisons, Guards, Parole, Probation; Soldiers, Military vehicles, Weapons, Wars; Doctors, Hospitals, Pharmacies, Sickness; Death, Funeral Homes, Cemeteries;
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There are so many ways to support the Kingdom Harvest – donor giving, indirect giving, investment giving. On this page are four ways to squeeze an ex-
The Kroger Community Rewards Program is now
tra mile from your gift. In just weeks is the infamous North Texas Giving Day – 09/19/19. Kroger, Tom Thumb, and Amazon.Smile have no deadlines, but you may visit their web site anytime to apply. Your gifts keep the largest prison state flooded with life- saving Bible studies! Thank you!
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After almost two decades of using an ABDick press, our founding Director, Ralph Nichols, conceded to a 2006 campaign to raise $10,000 for a new updated en- velope duplicator by RISO. After 13 years of almost maintenance-free service and more than 5 million im- ages, it is again time to replace a worn-out workhorse.
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Before and After
At least once a year you need to read testimonies from one of our courses that asks for responses to: Before I trusted Christ; How I trusted Christ; and Since I’ve trusted Christ. Get your Kleenex out. You will see the hand of God raised against ungodliness, and then raising up new creatures in Christ.
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Thanksgiving 2019 - Let us give thanks for our cleansing and for the Blessed Hope of seeing our Lord in all His Glory. Surely it will be soon! We are encouraged to see our students giving thanks, in their comments and in let- ters received. Gratefulness is definitely an expres- sion of a renewed heart. Let your heart speak!
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Many of our students sent Christmas greetings this month - here is one of them:
“May God continue to surround you within His love and peace. May He continue to provide for your services. May our Father help you and your loved ones through troubled times, comforting you with His loving presence.
“Thank you for helping me through these years with the Word of Life. I have gained knowledge and wisdom through the studies. My change continues to mature more every day that passes.” Aaron
“Immanuel... God with us.” Matthew 1:23
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At the beginning of a new year, it is always good to look back at the previous 12 months and see the Lord’s hand as He guided this ministry for His glory. In this month’s newsletter we get a glimpse of how many lives were touched in 2017 through the ministry of Write-Way Prison Ministries, including those who came to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, those who have grown and matured in their faith, and the testimonies of those who were blessed as they studied the Word of God.
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Prisons today have become a spiritual battleground. Our Lord is working and many are coming to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior while others are growing in their faith. At the same time, Satan is battling to keep this from happening. As you read this month’s newsletter, look for phrases like “the prisons have become so demonic” and “there are a lot of heretical views and cults taking over the faith-based Christian prison population”. Others battle temptations and depression. Keep our brothers and sisters behind bars in your prayers.
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At WPM we get many letters from our students which encourage us as they tell of their walk with Christ and how they are growing in “grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 4:18). In this month’s newsletter a student, George, wrote “Our Lord Jesus Christ lived out perfect humility. He was willing to give up Himself out of love for God and others. Like Him, we should have a servant’s heart.” Read the rest of his letter and those of other students in the March 2018 Newsletter and be encouraged.
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The week of April 15-21 is National Volunteer Week. This month’s newsletter highlights some of the earliest volunteers of Writeway Prison Ministry. It also highlights the impact that our volunteers have made on the lives of many of our students.
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This month’s testimonies are from women who have become redeemed and are unique creations in Christ. What a change God’s Word makes in a person’s life!
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In 2 Timothy 2:15 Paul admonished Timothy to “be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (NKJV) In this newsletter we read what happens as our students get into the Word of God. Cynthia writes “Staying in God’s Word and will is the only way we can resist Satan” while CW states “I must walk with God or Satan will walk with me.” We covet your prayers for our students.
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Write-Way Prison Ministries currently has over 7,800 students. Many of them are either enrolling in our courses or have recently begun the journey of Bible study with us. One such person is Finest. His story is on page two.
Several have persisted in study and are now completing some of our advanced courses. James and Murray tell their stories, also on page two. Finally, each month we have over a dozen students who complete our entire curriculum, either in Spanish or English. Nicholas is a recent Spanish graduate and gives us his testimony (second page).
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Each month in our newsletter we note the number of inmates who have professed Christ as their Savior during that month. While we rejoice in our new brothers and sisters, the enemy has also noticed and is fighting back.
Please pay special attention to the letter from our Director as he recounts what has recently happened in Houma, Louisiana. We ask that you make this a matter of prayer and that the Word will again be able to be sent into the prison and reach the hearts of those incarcerated. Also pray that this approach of the enemy will not spread.
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“Thanks to you, the Blessing Planes are flying overhead, scattering precious seed from God’s eternal word. It is such a privilege to be a tiny part of so great a ministry.” Gaye, Manager of Spanish Branch 080 .
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“We give thanks to you, O God! We give thanks! You reveal your presence; people tell about your amazing deeds.” Psalm 75:1 (NET)
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As we look back on 2016, we are rejoicing and praising God for the over 900 students that came to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior during the year. We also rejoice with thankful hearts for the many hundreds more who were able “to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18, ESV) as they studied God’s Word.
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One of our branch volunteers painted this thought on a display board: “God sometimes takes us into trouble waters – not to drown us but to cleanse us.” Many of our students are experiencing “troubled waters” as they serve time for what they have done in the past. At the same time, many have experienced the cleansing that has come with knowing Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Read their testimonies in this months newsletter.
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Giving thanks: the Psalmist tells us to give thanks to the Lord and to praise His Name (Ps. 100:4) and Paul told the church at Colossee to be thankful (Col. 3:15). As our students get into the Word of God and discover new life in Christ, they often cannot help but express thanksgiving to the Lord. Read this month’s newsletter to catch this spirit of thanksgiving – and then give thanks yourself for His great work in their lives and ours.
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Our blessed Lord gives us many reasons to rejoice at Write-Way Prison Ministries. One cause for rejoicing is the number of inmates who come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior each month. The second testimony in this month’s newsletter is from one of our students who came to know the Lord by reading a Bible while in solitary confinement (interesting sidelight – note how he got the Bible). Another cause for rejoicing is when we see a student apply Scripture to his or her own life, resulting in spiritual growth. The first testimony in this month’s newsletter is an excellent example of this. God is at work in the prison system!
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God is at work in the prisons of Texas and Louisiana today. Much like in the free world, God has gifted some of the inmates with the spiritual gift of evangelism. You will be inspired as you read how God is using Matthew to bring others to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Another testimony tells us ways that Satan is fighting back. As God’s Word goes into the prisons and jails, pray with us that His Word will not return to Him empty but will achieve His purpose (Isaiah 55:11).
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The world we live in is often chaotic. What can we do? God’s Word reminds us that He is present with us so we need not fear (Psalm 46:1-2a). We should replace worries with Scripture to guide our thinking (Philippians 4:8). Through the studies offered by Write Way our students are learning to depend on the Word of God to direct their thinking and to change their outlook on life.
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In this newsletter Michael says, “Your work is not in vain”; Lyman says, ” Emmaus Bible studies are at the top of the list”; and Paula says, “In the free world I was lost; in prison I am found”. We praise God that He has given us the privilege of providing Bibles studies to inmates in Texas and Louisiana free of charge so they can come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and can grow in the grace of knowledge of Him Who has saved us.
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On the second page of this month’s newsletter is an article written by one of the members of Write-Way Prison Ministries Board of Directors. It gives a succinct overview of our mission. It is the Lord’s doing and we give Him all the praise.
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In this newsletter you can read of the effect of Hurricane Harvey on both our students and several of our branches. At the time of publication we have been able to track our students in their temporary locations. We have also been working with our branches that were most severely affected by the flooding.
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As we enter the holiday season our hearts are full of thanksgiving as we meditate on all that God has given us so freely, but we also remember our students. As you read this month’s newsletter you will meet Richard, who has grown in his walk with the Lord through the Bible study courses offered through Write-Way Prison Ministries. We give thanks for what God has done in his life. You will also meet Mary Helen, who asks us to be especially diligent in prayer for our students as the holiday season is often a time of sadness and longing for their families.
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The Psalmist declared that God’s people should “Give thanks to Him, bless His name, for the Lord is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting and His faithfulness to all generations.” (Psalm 100:4b, 5) Join us in thanksgiving and praise for the great lovingkindness and faithfulness that He showed to Write-Way Prison Ministries throughout 2015. We are excited to see what He will do in 2016! May He find us faithful.
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“For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return there without watering the earth and making it bear and sprout, and furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater; so will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to Me empty, without accomplish-ing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:10-11, NASB) This is a promise from God’s Word that we claim at Write-Way as we send the Bible correspondence courses to our students. This month we rejoice in the 69 students who accepted Christ as their Savior. In addition we rejoice in the spiritual growth of our students who already know the Lord.
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Luke 15 records three parables of Christ – the lost sheep, the lost coin, the lost son – that tell us how much God values each person and what rejoicing there is in heaven when a sinner repents. In this issue of “Blessings From Prison” are recorded the testimonies of several men and women who have repented and have caused great rejoicing in heaven. Let us join in that rejoicing!
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Do you remember singing the chorus “Thank You, Lord” when your salvation was new and fresh? Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul, Thank you, Lord, for making me whole; Thank you, Lord, for giving to me Thy great salvation so rich and free. This is the sentiment our students express when they experience the joy of their salvation as they study the Word of God! Read what they say…….
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What comes to your mind when you think of the love of Christ? Is it one of the great hymns of our faith, such as F. M. Lehman’s “The Love of God” or Charles Wesley’s “Amazing Love”? Is it one of the great love chapters in the Bible, such as First Corinthians 13 or First John 4? In this newsletter Rodger Turley, the director of Write-Way Prison Ministries, directs our thoughts to the greatness of His love as it relates to those who are incarcerated. As you read, our prayer is that your heart witll be aligned with ours in reaching those individuals with the Word of God.
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Have you noticed that in our daily walk with God He meets us where we are, not where we wish we were or where we want to be? So it is with our students. In this issue of BLESSINGS FROM PRISON you will find three testimonies from students who have completed “Doing Time with Jesus”, a course specifically designed for prisoners. See how our gracious Lord met them where they were and led them to a closer walk with Him. Praise His Name!
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Paul wrote to the church at Phiippi: “My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Now to our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen.” Philippians 4:19, 20 (NKJV). As you read this month’s newsletter, see how our God supplies the needs of the ministry of Write-Way. Also see how He supplies the needs of our students. Join us as we give Him the glory!
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In this edition of Blessings from Prison we are sending God’s Word into prisons and jails in Texas and Louisiana. Write-way Prison Ministries is the Lord’s ministry, not ours, and we continue to be thankful that He has called us to join Him in this great work. We rejoice that in August alone, 91 students came into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ through the study of God’s Word and many more were able to grow in their faith.
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A few weeks ago the Lord graciously confirmed to Write-Way that this is His ministry. While one of our volunteers was shopping in the Houston area, the Lord orchestrated a meeting with some ex-offenders who were shopping in the same store. They told her that they were shopping as part of a prison ministry to help men coming out of prison. She replied that she was also a part of a prison ministry. Their reaction when she told them that her ministry was Write-Way confirmed that this indeed is the Lord’s work. You can read the whole story, complete with pictures, in this month’s newsletter.
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When the angel appeared to the shepherds on that first Christmas evening, his message was “Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.” And this message is still one of great joy which is for all people. This is the message many people in the prisons and jails in Texas and Louisiana have been able to embrace because of your faithful prayers and financial support. To God be the glory!
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God declared in Isaiah 55:11 that His Word would not return to Him void, but would accomplish what He pleases and it would prosper where He sends it. He then declared through the apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that if any man is in Christ Jesus he is a new creation; old things are passed away and all things have become new. Rejoice with us as you read this month’s newsletter and see how these Scriptures have been evident in the way God has blessed Write-Way Prison Ministries during 2014.
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Lamentations 3:22-23 tells us that “the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” (ESV). We see how this has been true for Write-Way Prison Ministries over the last year as we compare some statistics comparing January of 2015 with January of 2014. You can read this in the “By the Numbers” section of the current newsletter by clicking on the link below.
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Paul told Timothy to “be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth”. (2 Timothy 2:15 NASB) As our students complete the seven Navigator studies that are part of our curriculum, they search out truths directly from God’s Word. Our prayer is that they will be transformed into men and women who will not be ashamed, but will be accurate handlers of the word of truth. In this newsletter are several testimonies of some whose lives have been so transformed.
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Springtime is always a time that reminds us of new life, from trees putting out new leaves to flowers blooming and to birds building nests, all of which we see at the home office in Garland, TX. What is not so visible is the new life that is taking place in the prisons and jails of Texas and Lousiana as men and women come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior through the Bible studies that they receive from Write-Way Prison Ministries. In this issue of “Blessings From Prison’ you can not only enjoy pictures of the roses and irises gracing our grounds, but you can also read of changed lives.
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Each month we cannot help but rejoice at the faithfulness of our Lord as we see how He has worked through Wirte-Way Prison Ministries for His glory. First and foremost we are rejoicing with the angels in heaven over the 70 men and women who have come to know jesus Christ as personal lord and Savior during the month of April, 2015! We also rejoice as we look back and consider how God has allowed us to keep track of the thousands of students who have studied God’s Word with us since our current database, Gradesys, was created 30 years ago. Now we are excited about the future as we begin the process of modernizing this tool as we continue serving the inmates of Texas and Louisiana. You can read more about this in this month’s newsletter.
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We are both excited and thankful that the initial process is underway for the upgrade of our student database program! We continue to stand in awe and bow in thankfulness as we see the hand of our Lord in this ministry. You can read about the progress in the funding for this upgrade in the current news-letter.
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As we look over the first six months of 2015, we are thrilled and humbled when we realize that God has used Write-Way Prison Ministries to be His instrument to introduce over 350 men and women to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. At the same time he has used this ministry to strengthen hundreds more in their walk of faith. To God be the glory!
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Being imprisoned can be a terrible experience. As one of our students put it, “Prison life isn’t a place you ever want to find yourself.” At the same time, another student reported “I have more joy than I’ve ever had in my entire life and I’m in prison!” You can read these and other “one-liner” comments from several of our students in this newsletter. As you read, please pray for them.
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In the currrent newsletter, WPM Director Rodger Tukrley offers some thoughts on Psalm 126:6 and how it relates to the mission of Write-Way Prison Ministries. Please take a moment to reflect on this verse with us. Next, enjoy the testimonies of our students and rejoice with us as we see God at work in them – from an eleven year old nephew of a student to a graduate of our program to one of our Spanish students preaching in the prison chapel service. To God be the glory!
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One thing we do for our students is pray for them. We pray for salvation for those who do not know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and we pray that those who already have put their faith in Him will grow in their Christian walk and witness. Our students also know the value of prayer. In this issue we invite you to see their hearts as they entreat our Heavenly Father on behalf of their loved ones and as they praise God for Who He is and what He has done in their lives.
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The weeks from Thanksgiving to Christmas are often times when we reflect on God’s rich mercies and grace that are ours through Jesus Christ – and we respond with thankful hearts. Our students are no different. They also, even though in prison, respond to God’s mercy and grace with thanksgiving. Many of their expressions of thanks are included in this newsletter. To God be the glory!
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What is in a name? At this season of the year we exult in the name of Jesus. Matthew exulted in this Name in his gospel. In the first chapter we find Matthew declared Jesus to be the Messiah, the son of David, the son of Abraham. (1:1) He recorded that Joseph was told to “call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins”. (1:21) He noted that Isaiah had foretold that His name would be “Immanuel, which translated means, ‘God with us'”. (1:23) Paul later declares that “at the Name of jesus every knee will bow….and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father”. (Philippians 2:10-11) Let us exalt His Name together!
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As the first newsletter of the new year, included in it is an overview report, “The Year 2013 in Review”. Over 67 thousand course books mailed, and over 47 thousand course exams completed.
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Pictured to the right is Dr. Gordon Robinson, one of our many volunteers who help us ship out about 1,300 courses per week. Testimonials about the lessons fill our newsletter every month.
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Our trips to the Post Office are no small endeavor! The picture to the right is of Rodger Turley, Alan Wharry, and lots of big mail bags – all ready for a typical trip to the Post Office. With all those bible study courses going out, WPM gets a lot of letters coming in. This month’s newsletter is full of a sampling of what we are told in those letters.
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Many of our newsletters feature testimonies from our students. This newsletter is different in that it features one student’s answers to the “What do you say?” questions from our first book, “Born to Win”. This student is searching for a relationship with a God. How would you counsel him?
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One reason for our monthly posting of operating income and expenses is to inform our supporters and this month we go into greater detail than usual We are currently in need of increased volunteer and financial support to keep sending the Word of God to inmates in TX and LA. As you read the newsletter, would you prayerfully consider the role you and/or your church might play in partnering with us?
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Answer to prayer! Tyndale House will print the Navigator courses strictly for prison use and we are now able to continue to send the Navigator courses to prisoners in Texas and Louisiana! Read or download our newsletter by clicking the link above.
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Have you wondered what makes the Navigator courses so special that we want them in our curriculum? This month’s newsletter describes the seven Navigator courses in our English curriculum and gives you sample questions and actual student responses from each one. Read or download our newsletter by clicking on the link above.
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God tells us in Isaiah 55:11: “So is My Word that goes out from My mouth: It will not return to Me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” (NIV) For accounts of prisoners’ lives that have been changed through His Word, continue reading.
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We are all familiar with the parable of the prodigal son as recorded in Luke 15. In this newsletter you can read of the financial cost involved in sending our Bible study courses free of charge to the prodigal sons and daughters incarcerated in Texas and Louisiana. But don’t stop there! Read on to see the difference God’s Word has made in many of their lives. Click the link below.
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Beautiful artwork in this issue!
At this time of year we are especially mindful of the many blessings God has given us. One blessing you will note in this newsletter is the number of professions of faith in October – 74 – nearly 1% of our active students! For this we are truly thankful. Also in this newsletter you will see how many of our students express their thanks not only in letters but also in artwork. As you read or download our newsletter by clicking on the link below, please consider how you can give thanks for the work the Lord is doing through Write-Way Prison Ministries.
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The end of the year introduces a lengthy and marvelous season of Thanksgiving and Celebration. The Winter solstice brings a scattering of white snow and the Incarnation generates in the faithful songs of joy, times of feasting, and colorful decorations. It really is a winter wonderland for the young and the young-at-heart!
But for those incarcerated it will be a difficult time. There are no children nearby laughing. There won’t be a special meal. There’s simply no color in prison. But the one thing they can have is the Incarnate Lord at their side. Our studies press them to step out of the darkness into the marvelous light of Christ’s Kingdom. There they can rejoice and be comforted.
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This month’s newsletter talks about new consolidated contact information for WPM, announcement of new branch, and praises from prisoners.
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Did you know WPM has its own print shop? Read all about it in this month’s newsletter.
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This month’s newsletter is a celebration of spring in our yards and our hearts, “blooming for God.”
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This month’s newsletter addresses the real danger of discouragement among both prisoner students and volunteers, and the hope that comes from being strengthened with “all patience and long-suffering with joy.” (Colossians 1:11)
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This month’s newsletter announces a new way to support WPM with your Kroger Plus Card. It also celebrates the student accomplishments of graduations and course completions so far in 2013.
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Read or download our newsletter by clicking the link below. This month’s newsletter includes an article about how WPM enrolls and tracks students. Also, this is the first month the newsletter runs under its new name, “Blessings From Prison”. Fitting to the new name, this issue features feedback from students that is very encouraging to us.
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Did you know that the prison system does NOT forward mail if an inmate is moved? This month’s newsletter features an article about the work of WPM volunteer Judy Wharry, our “computer sleuth” who has the tough task of keeping track of our transient inmates.
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Taking inspiration from the joyful Psalm 150, this issue is all about thankfulness to God, which leads to praise, comfort, and gratitude.
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